The Shack [$44 for a giclee]
Mississippi Shack. If you've never been to Mississippi or Alabama I recommend you go for a visit and stay in a B and B to get some real southern hospitality and home cooking. There is nothing like it anywhere else in the country. The air is clean, the countryside is beautiful and the people are warm and welcoming. My father was born and raised in Cordova, Alabama, and my favorite vacations growing up were trips to Alabama. This painting reminds me of so much that I love about the south and all my friends and family back in Alabama. I lived in Birmingham for about 20 years and it will always be home for me. Roll Tide!!!! Had to put that in there, sorry Auburn.... [13" x 13" print is $13 and the same size giclee is $44]. Giclees are found under the go to frame shop under the canvas selection.